Thursday, November 25, 2004

Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

This being our last Thanksgiving in the US for a while, we'll be spending some time with our extended family, and tomorrow we'll celebrate... Christmas. Why not? After all December 25 is an arbitrary day anyway, so we chose to move it up a month - it seemed more convenient to do so this year; besides, the kids were eagerly waiting to see what they're getting for Christmas. :)

So, this year we'll have two Christmases, one here and one in Romania. One with sunshine, one with snow. One in English, one in Romanian.


The second part in the saga of the nasty apartment situation, we got an email from the 'agency' with a second offer, except this time they sent nice big pictures showing everything in the apartment. No price yet, but it wouldn't be surprising to hear it's about double than the other because it is in great shape. We'll see.


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