Tuesday, December 28, 2004

from Shannon...

Up until now you've heard little from me-Shannon but today I thought I'd "blog" a few thoughts of my own.  I'm experiencing a myriad of emotions and challenges but since I tend to be on the quiet side, I'd say that at this point I am observing life from many different angles.  I enjoy watching how people interact and it's a great way to learn about the culture.  For example, when meeting someone you know, it is polite to shake hands or hug and give a cheek to cheek kiss on both sides. It is also polite to remove your shoes when entering someone's home, especially since the streets are often muddy or wet.  Often the host will offer a pair of slippers so your feet don't get cold.  I think it's a great practice as it makes you feel right at home! 
Besides family and friends I can tell you hands down that the "thing" I miss most is my dryer--no, not my hairdryer, my clothes dryer.  Lexi started crying the first time I gave her an air-dried towel after her bath because it was so rough on her skin.  I guess she wasn't expecting it.  She'll get used to it, we all will, but maybe a little fabric softener might help!
Along with looking for an apartment we're also trying to find a dependable car to buy.  From the sale of our two cars in the states we're hoping to find one good car here.  We've heard stories of people getting ripped off so pray we'd have discernment and wisdom in choosing a car.  Eventually I'd like to regain my independence and get behind the wheel once again.  It might be a while though as I learn how to drive in this.....craziness!  (I say that with the deepest of affection) :-)  As it is, I depend on Catalin to get us where we need to go and often he goes out alone and I stay in the apartment with the kids.  Today he was gone most of the day so I ventured out to take the kids to a park (walking, of course).  Mind you this is no easy task but fortunately Daniela and Lexi are big enough to help me, so one carried the stroller down the elevator from the 12th floor, while the other carried Naomi's bag and I carried a well bundled Naomi!  We made it down the elevator but not without the daily fears of being stuck IN the elevator.  We are known to pray often in our elevator as the girls are sure we will get stuck one day.  It is true that judging by appearance only that their fears are justified but I try to assure them that we will be fine....I'm the one who prays.  So we successfully make it down once again and then haul our bundles down a flight of stairs.  Finally we reach the outdoors and it is a beautiful day.  We unfold the stroller, get Naomi all situated with her many layers to keep her warm and we're off to the park.  As we cross busy streets and maneuver around cars parked so closely together that we've no room to walk except on the street, I'm very grateful by the time we get to the park that we actually made it! 
At the end of each day I take a deep breath and thank Jesus for another day to experience His provision, His blessing, His comfort and His joy.  The minor inconveniences are shadowed by the confidence God has given us, that this is where we need to be. 
Would love replies!   Shannon


At 8:38 AM, Blogger RD said...

May our Lord continue to assure you of your place in his Kingdom and in Romania. God bless you.

At 11:17 AM, Blogger Mary DeMuth said...

I'm thinking about you and praying for you, Shannon. I can't wait until Vonage is set up and we can finally chat.



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