Saturday, January 29, 2005

Week in review...

First of all, sorry for a rather slow posting week. Between the customs office, visa office, and clinic work, time has flown by once again at a fast pace. We're making slow progress in terms of visa and customs office, but we're making some progress and we're thankful for that.

After a relatively warm winter, it is now snowing outside! The kids are totally loving it. We went to some friends' house for lunch today, after crossing the town from one end to the other, and made it there safely after going only 20-25 mph on the snowy streets.

Which brings us to the next point! We got a car! Praise God for this! On Wednesday, I spent about 5 hours with the seller going to the different offices needed to complete the sale, only to find out that we can't buy a car in Romania until we get a visa. Why? Because the car has to be registered in someone's SSN (the Romanian equivalent is PNC - personal numeric code). However, we paid the seller the money due for the car and were able to obtain ownership of the car immediately, though we have to register the car in our names after obtaining the visa - which from what we understand will take a few days of no driving while it is being transferred.

A sticker shock was the fact that we had to pay 1% of the money withdrawn to pay the car. In othe words, the bank charges 1% of our own money when taken out.

- C


At 2:21 PM, Blogger RD said...

Congratulations on the new car! That's a great answer to prayers. We're shopping for a car as well right now in Thailand. I hope your new automobile will be a blessing to you and be a great tool for doing God's work. Blessings to you guys.


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