Sunday, July 24, 2005

We're back!

We now have a digital camera that works so we can share some pictures with you. 
The girls and I just returned from France where we were invited to stay with friends.  The kids were able to participate in a week-long vacation Bible school which our friends were hosting.  A team from the U.S. arrived to facilitate and French children from surrounding villages were invited to attend. The French kids camped all week on the beautiful grounds of the Château.  Evidently the government pays for 1 week of camp per child each year.  This camp/VBS had been approved and so about 30 campers braved their way through a soggy, yet fun week.  The culmination was on Saturday with a presentation from the children, skits, a barbecue, lots of games and finally a fire-works show that was really impressive.  The Mayor of the town was even present which added credibility to the program. 
Catalin was able to join us for a few days at the end, and after 2 weeks, we were sure glad to see him!


At 3:05 AM, Blogger Sally Datria said...

Your girls are getting SO BIG!! Especially Naomi! My goodness! Thanks for sharing the pictures! France is just beautiful!
I love keeping up with your blog!

At 6:02 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Greetings from the U.S.! It's been great following your blog and praying for you. We recently met your friends Judith and David. What a great family!


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