Monday, September 05, 2005

Research trip

Last weekend we hosted a small research team from Christian Associates to take our church planting proposal to a higher level. We had an awesome time with our colleagues and friends, and are blessed to work with people like Al, Mike, and Tim. Over a four-day period we met with several leaders of the Christian community of Bucharest. Our main goal was to learn from them about the spiritual landscape of the city, as well as talk about what some needs are in this area. Every single person we met was of great encouragement and gave us loads of information. The greatest blessing was seeing the brotherly attitude from those we met with, as well as feeling instantly bonded with them in our desire to serve our mighty God. One pastor came outright and asked how his church can partner with us and volunteered an emerging leader in his church to receive additional training through Christian Associates so that we may work together.

In Bucharest right now are two international churches, the third one having disbanded just this summer. There is the AG International church and the Southern Baptist International church. The Assemblies of God church is about 85% Romanian and is facing a daily attrition of the international crowd. The church is growing and is healthy, but it is less and less international in flavor. Not a bad thing to have, but this leaves the international community with less resources. The Baptist church is 100% international, though is small and faced over 100% turnover rate in the past 3 years. Their pastor will be recalled next year by the IMB, leaving the church with a question about the future. Both pastors, whom we've now known for a few good months, have more than shown their support for additional church planting work in Bucharest.

As we met with these leaders and sought their input and advice, two common themes emerged: First, there is a growing international crowd in Bucharest and there does not appear to be a church actively seeking it. Second, and just as important, is that there is a great need for training for young leaders to help them realize how the church of the 21st century can once again be a relevant force among the young and the unchurched of the city. With these two under our belt, we're now moving forward with developing the vision for what will be the emerging church of Bucharest. By the grace of God, we're here to be part of these amazing opportunities and want to glorify him in all that we do.

How you can pray for us:

1. That our family will remain strong and anchored in Christ
2. That our network of friends and acquaintances will be enlarged
3. That our vision for the work in Bucharest will be nothing less than what God desires of us
4. That there will be a team of like-minded families joining us soon (they still need to be found...)



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