Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The car that suddenly got more expensive

We almost found the car we wanted. We say 'almost' because while we were all set to buy it, the price suddenly jumped by about $3500 overnight. The deal was supposed to be quite simple: we would take over the lease of an existing leasee and pay it off. The seller, however, at the last minute decided he wanted to recover some of the lease payments he's paid already to the lender. The whole thing was a bit disappointing because we were excited about the car, a mini-minivan (that's the right description - mini-minivan) that would have enabled us to transport visitors without needing a taxi.

On the issue or cars and driving, compared to last year, the roads have undergone some improvements and many of the holes have been covered up. It is not uncommon, however, to still see open sewer holes in the middle of roads and see cars abruptly swerve to avoid them. Occassionally, though, these holes get their prey: usually the front wheel of the car. Just today, a car in front of us took to an open hole in full speed. Fortunately, it was able to keep going and avoided major damage.

Tomorrow the routine starts all over again: calling on apartments and calling on cars. Lately, the apartment renting calls have been a bit unproductive as most real estate agents are on vacation. It is very surprising calling on businesses and not getting any type of response. The few unfortunate agents that leave their cell phone numbers and get disturbed at home by our calls kindly inform us that they're on vacation and won't be back in the office until the 6th of January.



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