Wednesday, January 12, 2005

A few busy days

Whew...! These have been a busy few days. We wonder where time dissappears. However, we have a praise to report: we found an apartment! Actually, it is the very first apartment we saw when we started the house hunt, and after seeing quite a few other ones it was clear this was the best option. So, praise God, we're moving in this Saturday. As of right now, we have a list of items we'd like to have available for our camping experience in the apartment until our container arrives. Some of our friends from the clinic have volunteered to provide air mattresses (so we wouldn't sleep on the floor) and a microwave to make life a bit easier. As the list circulates among our friends here, perhaps we'll have the bare necessities for indoor camping for another couple of weeks. We just received word today that our container is in Israel and will come to Bucharest a couple of weeks later than originally scheduled. Meanwhile, we've got some paperwork to complete for customs, etc.

On a different topic...

You would have thought it was Christmas morning the day our girls started school. They had been counting down the days, then on Sunday night they were busy preparing for their BIG school debut. Never having been to a "real" school before they had their share of butterflies in their little stomachs but most anxiety was overshadowed with excitement. We wondered if they would be just as enthusiastic when we picked them up from school. To our delight they still had smiles on their faces and talked non-stop on the way home. Lexi's favorite thing about school was recess.....We could have guessed that! She is one of two girls in her class but the other little girl has been sick. That doesn't stop Lexi from enjoying school though. She loves all the attention she is receiving!

Daniela fit right in with her class too. She was delighted to find she had much in commom with her classmates. Several girls are from the States and enjoy talking "girl" talk. It helps her to know that she isn't the only missionary kid around. Many of her classmates are also from missionary families so they can relate well with one another. We're grateful that God has provided this positive influence in their lives.


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