Saturday, March 19, 2005

Busy week

What a busy week! A flu epidemy that is sweeping Romania hasn't gone by without affecting us. Except Shannon, everyone in our household has been or is currently sick.

This past Wednesday we had a group of 24 show up for bowling. As we mentioned before, we started an expat meetup of English speakers. The group has grown very well, primarily due to a large French influx. Why are they coming to this group since they are French? Good question, but we're glad to know them. At the last meetup, when we talked about bowling, the French issued a challenge to the rest. So we called the game France v. World. Needless to say, despite the national hymn singing that took place during playing, the French took a beating. We had three 4-person teams compete on each side, and World won every single one of them. A rematch game will be scheduled soon... for further humiliation :).

The team playing the French was of Romanian-American origin. It is our prayer that as we begin to know everybody a little better, we will have opportunities for sharing our life story and faith. Please keep us in your prayers in this regard.

Love from Romania.



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