Sunday, March 13, 2005

First preaching engagement

Today, Sunday, was my first preaching engagement, but unfortunately I was the only one able to go to church as all of our kids were sick and Shannon stayed home with them.

This church, started in the basement of the clinic that I am helping to manage, is made up of about 30 people, mostly new believers. After the message, I was invited to return (they must have liked my message), so I will be speaking there again in May.

We are requesting your prayer this week as follows:

- Wednesday night outreach - meeting with a group of 10 or more for "bowling outreach" (BFJ - bowling for Jesus). This is a group of internationals living in Bucharest that we are trying to get to know better, such that we're able to effectively make Him known.

- Clinic management issues - the mission clinic where I work is in need of additional international patients to help offset the costs of providing free medical care to those in need. We're meeting regularly with the doctors now to create an outreach strategy.

- Catalin's dad - he is back in the hospital following a bleed which decreased his hemoglobing/hematocrit to an alarming level. The anticoagulation medication predisposes him to nasal bleeds, some lasting over a couple of days. Actually, I will have to donate blood since the hospital is in short supply and can't transfuse him.

- Consultancy work - a new private hospital in town approached me for management consultancy work. This is a great blessing indeed as this work would provided some much needed additional funds, both for ministry and living expenses. Pray that all will go smoothly and there will be good relations developed with the hospital's top management. Additionally, this work would provide us with an invaluable network for the purpose of advancing better training of healthcare professionals in the country.

- C


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