Saturday, December 31, 2005

On Christmas eve, our little Naomi had a slipping accident for which we ended in the urgent care room at 9:30 pm. She fell with her head against a sharp furniture edge and cut the lobe of the left ear such that it was hanging halfway down. The bandage on her head, seen in the picture below, is more dramatic than it should be, but it appropriately reflects the drama of the incident. As soon as the accident happened, Daniela and Lexi come running out of their room yelling that Naomi fell and there is blood all over. There was blood coming from the wound, but it fortunately stopped right away with pressure.

A week later now, her stiches are out and she is much better. Hopefully there will not be a too visible a scar forming on the ear lobe.

A Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Team Popa - Christmas 2005

Popa girls - Christmas 2005

Lexi - Christmas 2005

Daniela - Christmas 2005

Naomi displaying her gifts from Santa.

A rare Romanian moment - a clown helping Santa instead of the usual Elfs.

December 1 - the Romanian National Day. On this day, the three parts of the country were united to form what we now know as Romania. Previously, one part was independent, one was under Austro-Hungarian occupation, while the other under Turkish occupation.

Presidential palace guards.

The Romanian Army

Military assetts show off.

Triumph Arch.

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