Tuesday, October 17, 2006


This week, the girls only had two days of school, which means they have a five day weekend! As some of you may know, Daniela's birthday is on the 22nd.

We decided to take a "birthday trip" up to Constanza, were the Black Sea is! We hope this will be a time to see lots of ruins and just have fun in the sand!

Also, not to change the subject or anything, but Catalin's dad will be having an important surgery in November. Please continue to pray for him for his health! Thank you so much!


The Popa Family

(Catalin, Shannon, Daniela, Lexi and Naomi)


At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings to you, Catalin and Shannon! (oops, sorry, and Daniela, Lexi and Naomi too) :)

I hope you will remember our meeting at the CAI Staff Conference at De Bron - it seems a long time ago now! It's great to read your blog, where you always seem to be smiling wonderfully. :)

I can't get your email address to work, so hope you get this!

I have just seen that you are at Constanta on holiday, and write to tell you of the visit there of a team in November from PRIME - details at http://www.prime-international.co.uk .This is the Christian medical education organisation that Jan and I met whilst we were at the International Christian Medical and Dental Association World Congress in Australia, which featured 900 people from over 80 countries! We have since met up with them back here in the UK and are very impressed with their gifting and approach - Several senior members of the PRIME team would be very interested to meet with you, to discuss how best to resource Christian medics in Romania - they have been invited to run a course on communication skills and stress management for GPs in Constanta under the auspices of the Association of Physicians and also visit three medical schools, one in the East and two in the west, (in Craeova, Cluj and Oradia) between the dates of October 23rd and probably Nov 5th, meeting students to review clinical and consultation skills. If possible, do you have any time on the Monday and Tuesday day time (November 6th and 7th) free for a meeting with John Geater? he is taking meetings both evenings 5-9 for Christian doctors (and I hope nurses), I think in Constanta, I will check this. (It would be better if he was in Bucharest!)
Look forward to hearing from you.

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See other comment - forgot to leave my email address which is ncvwebb (@) gmail (dot) com. Thanks!


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