Friday, November 17, 2006

Thanksgiving is Coming!!!

Aren't you so happy that Thanksgiving is coming? I don't know about you, but I really like this holiday! It is so great to give thanks to God and be thankful for all the friends and family he has given us!

This year, we are planning to host a "Thanksgiving Feast" at our house. We are having about 2 or 3 families in our 1100 square foot apartment! It will be crowed, but we will have fun! I personally think that it will be really fun.

Last year, our dear friends the Opstrups gratiously offered their house in Romania (which was quite big) for a FEW families and teachers for a great meal! If you don't know who the Opstrups are, they are a embassy family who used to live here. My mom and Mrs. Opstrup became friends. Also, there was a little boy Naomi's age, a girl named McKayla who was about Lexi's age and a 4-year-old who I played with. Oh yeah, and the dads got along well, too!

Well this year, since they are not here to be with us, we decided to do it this year. Hopefuly, it will be a good day!

Well, I better go because this night is our "Family Game Night" and we are going to watch a really low-budget movie ($1,000 to make it), but I have heard that it is really funny!

Siging Off,



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