Saturday, January 28, 2006

Bucharest Report

Back in August we had a small team from Christian Associates visit us to complete a church planting research trip. The link enclosed is to the report, a pdf file. Enjoy!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Up in the Carpathians!

For Christmas this year we got the kids new sleds. So to celebrate the New Year we thought of no better way than to spend a couple of days in the mountains! Only about a two hour drive away, the Carpathian mountains are a refreshing change of atmosphere. We found a little pension (bed and breakfast) operated by an American guy and his Romanian wife. A real nice young couple that we had met at one of our English speaking meetup groups. They showed us some great places to sled and we also enjoyed the company of our good friends Geti and Adrian and their son, Robert. Enjoy the pictures!

A couple of days of R&R.

The heavier the sled, the faster it goes. On our first try, we got turned around on the slope and ended up knocking over a lady, much like a bowling ball hitting a pin. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.

The little assailants.

Shannon and Geti.

After a fresh snowfall, the trees looked as if painted white.

A bright, cloudless day.

The cross above the village. An Orthodox monastery is located not far below.

Catch me if you can.

Watch out!!!!!

Sledding has no age limit. Notice the the typical Romanian haystack in the background.

Daniela's thinking "sliding is fun, but what if I can't stop?"

The local kindergarten facility provided the terrain for our sliding adventure.

Speed, and more speed...

Naomi tried hard to keep up with walking in the snow in her 'ski' outfit.

Lexi would not let a hill be unconquered.

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