Monday, November 08, 2004

Extreme MakeOver

The show Extreme Makover:Home Edition is having an incredible success with its drastic home remodeling projects for families with certain special needs, be they physical challenges, economic hardships, and/or any other issues.

Tonight, the show had a special project: remodeling the house of a family in which both parents were deaf and their younger-of-the-two boys was both blind and autistic. The entire show was a very emotional story and it captured both the impact on those performing the service for the family, and also of the entire family at the end of the project. There was joy and there was happinness, no doubt.

Couldn't help it but parallel this to a spiritual makeover. Wouldn't the joy and happinness of coming to knowledge of Christ produce an even greater and more lasting effect than the material things which quickly become mundane no matter how fancy and wonderful they are?


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